Rabu, 01 April 2015



My hobbies are listening to music, no day without music is heard my ears, when I wake up, at breakfast, when on the move, bathing and other activities I never deprive music of all my activities.
            Music was already as a necessity for me, without listening to music a day it feels like something is missing. So, kebayangkan how many songs I listen to every day
Listening to music is the most fun thing to do, what now with the development of technology, we are increasingly easy to listen to music and songs. Even searching for music or songs even easier.
            Many ways to express what is inside it. Can be through the work in the form of text, images, music and other kinds. I can eliminate boredom with than a hobby. Hobby for me the most delicious yes just listening to music. I think everyone will like the music and the genre depends what she likes. Maybe in my life I was able to interpret music is my life, my life is music. It is also for people who love the music. Music is a part of life.
            Each individual average love music. In fact I've heard from people who say, that many mothers who do music therapy, with the hope that the child will be born in the future will have the intelligence and creativity are good. From this can be interpreted anyway if that music can have a positive impact.
            Before humans inhabit the earth I tread and has been introduced by the music. Lots of effects and benefits of listening to music. I myself was one of those who love music, and often listen to music. With musical atmosphere days so more colorful.
            By listening to music can be a bit of a wounded heart entertained. With music that is empty and quiet atmosphere became more rhythmic. And not only that, the music is also being cheerful mood can be hypnotized suddenly became sad.
            Logically, what we listen to indirectly may affect us. The music was melodic assortment. If the music melo, melancholy, confuse the emotion-automatic music listeners so carried away kemeloan. Hence, it could be suddenly chimed melo happens. There also are listening to the music to keep certain moments to be made in the memories, to be easy to remember.
            Music can make me actually feel saturated, but also music can actually provide keyamanan for me. because music can equally provide brightness for me. Comfort in music makes me mearasa hobby that can be felt even comfort seetiap time listening to music. I sometimes consider people who do not like music is a person who does not have the soul of art, but it's just my perception. Because someone was definitely different hobbies hobby others, so although a few people who have the same hobby. By listening to the music I can get inspiration. Can feel calm, comfortable, and peaceful when when listening to music. Music can be a pole in the sense that for me if really want to give and make it as a work of art, because the music one part to seek sensation.

            Hobbies listening to music is potentially reduce stress, especially with the rhythm of the music or the lyrics are striking. Recreational ie brain and stress management, shown to suppress the potential of dementia in the elderly. Dementia is a condition in which the brain has decreased.
            According from what I have read, there are some benefits and positive effects when listening to music. Music affects people in order to improve intelligence. There are several studies which states that children have heard the music, kecerdasaannya level higher than the average of someone who does not know music. There are also several ways to stimulate the brain to learn about everything from the tone of the music. Classical music is also good for babies and pregnant women because it will increase the intelligence of the baby and make the mother more relaxed.
            Music can also refreshing. Sometimes when bored and do not know what to do, to listen to music even if just a few moments we will be able to feel refreshed. So we'll get back to the spirit of our activity.

            And by listening to music can also get motivation. Instances when the flag ceremony or state occasions or even when giving an Olympic medal. When join in singing the national song or anthem. By singing it we will be motivated to love the nation, a national hero, and even also provide new impetus to us. There are even some people who will easily learn or work with listening to music

Senin, 02 Februari 2015

BUMN dan Kasus BUMN

BUMN dan Kasus BUMN

BUMN (Badan Usaha Milik Negara) adalah badan usaha yang sebagian atau seluruh kepemilikannya dimiliki oleh Negara. Ada 4 jenis BUMN di Indonesia adalah :
1.       Perusahaan perseroan
Perusahaan Perseroan adalah BUMN yang berbentuk perseroan terbatas (PT) yang modalnya terbagi dalam saham yang selalu atau paling sedikit 51% sahamnya dimiliki oleh pemerintah (atas nama Negara) yang tujuan utamanya mengejar keuntungan. Maksud dan tujuan mendirikan persero ialah untuk menyediakan barang atau jasa yang bermutu tinggi dan berdaya saing kuat dan mengejar keuntungan untuk meningkatkan nilai perusahaan.
Contoh perusahaan perseroan : PT. PP (Pembangunan Perumahan),PT Bank BNI Tbk, PT Kimia Farma Tbk, PT Indo Farma Tbk, PT Tambang Timah Tbk, PT Indosat Tbk (pada akhir tahun 2002 41,94% saham Persero ini telah dijual kepada Swasta sehingga perusahaan ini bukan BUMN lagi), dan PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk,Pt.Garuda Indonesia Airways(GIA).
2.       Perusahaan Jawatan (Perjan)
Perusahaan Jawatan (perjan) sebagai salah satu bentuk BUMN memiliki modal yang berassla dari Negara. Besarnya modal perusahaan Jawatan ditetapkan melalui APBN.
Contoh perusahaan jawatan : Perjan RS Jantung Harapan Kita Perjan RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Perjan RS AB Harahap Kita Perjan RS Sanglah Perjan RS Kariadi Perjan RS M. Djamil Perjan RS Fatmawati Perjan RS Hasan Sadikin Perjan RS Sardjito Perjan RS M. Husein Perjan RS Dr. Wahidin Perjan RS Kanker Dharmais Perjan RS Persahabatan.
3.       Perusahaan Umum
Perusahaan Umum (Perum) adalah satu perusahaan negara yang bertujuan melayani kepentingan umum, tetapi sekaligus mencari keuntungan. 
Contohnya : Perum Pegadaian, Perum Jasatirta, Perum DAMRI, Perum ANTARA,Perum Peruri,Perum Perumnas,Perum Balai Pustaka.
4.       Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD)
Badan Usaha Milik Daerah adalah perusahaan yang didirikan dan dimiliki oleh pemerintah daerah. Kewenangan pemeriintah daerah membentuk dan mengelola BUMN ditegaskan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah NO. 25 Tahun 2000 tentang kewenangan pemerintah dan kewenangan provinsi sebagai daerah otonom.
Contoh BUMD adalah: Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD),Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM), Perusahaan Daerah Angkutan Kota (bus kota), Perusahaan Daerah Rumah Potong Hewan (PDRPH).

                Contoh kasus tentang pelanggaran UUD BUMN yang menyangkut PT. Indosat Tbk, yang beritanya bisa kita lihat dilink berikut http://www.antaranews.com/berita/35891/kasus-privatisasi-indosat-berpotensi-dibawa-ke-lembaga-arbitrase. Pendapat saya dikasus ini banyak sekali pelanggaran hukum yang dilakukan dan ini adalah salah satu kegagalan pemerintahan Megawati Soekarnoputri yang menjual saham PT. Indosat Tbk sekitar 42% kepada Singapura pada masa kepemerintahannya. Salah satunya dikasus ini terjadi pelanggaran terhadap UU No 1 Tahun 1967 tentang PMA, yang mana di dalam pasal 1 dikatakan bahwa ”pengertian penanaman modal asing di dalam Undang-undang ini hanyalah meliputi penanaman modal asing secara langsung yang dilakukan menurut atau berdasarkan ketentuan-ketentuan Undang-undang ini dan yang digunakan untuk menjalankan perusahaan di Indonesia, dalam arti bahwa pemilik modal secara langsung menanggung risiko dari penanaman modal tersebut.” Sudah jelas tertera dari pasal 1 saja STT tidak membuktikan bahwa mereka menanamkan modalnya pada PT indosat Tbk yang pada kenyataannya STT tidak berkotribusi banyak terhadap PT indosat dan mereka hanya cenderung mendapatkan dividen yang memang relatif besar. Sehingga membuat PT indosat sering mengeluarkan surat utang atau yang sering disebut obligasi. Pada Pasal 6 UU No. 1/1967 tentang PMA menyebutkan bahwa “telekomunikasi merupakan bidang-bidang usaha yang tertutup penanaman modal asing secara pengusaha penuh karena dianggap bidang yang penting bagi negara dan menguasai hajat hidup rakyat banyak.” Sudah jelas sekali bahwa kasus ini sangat melanggar Undang-undang. Seharusnya pemerintah Negara pertama-tama harus memperhatikan langkah apa yang harus diambil agar tidak terjadi hal seperti ini lagi dan jika terjadi lagi pemerintah harus mempersiapkan jalan keluarnya agar permasalahannya bisa terselesaikan.
